How Much is CO2 Laser Treatment Cost?

According to the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, laser skin resurfacing is one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments. In 2021, more than 500,000 cosmetic treatments of this sort were performed.

Although it may sound futuristic, lasers are critical to modern medicine, and cosmetic surgeons have used them for decades. The technology keeps getting better.

That all sounds great, but what about the cost? For example, how much does CO2 laser treatment cost?

In most cases, CO2 laser treatment is an elective procedure. In other words, you are choosing it, and it is not medically necessary. That means most insurance plans will not cover it, so cost is a consideration. What does laser skin rejuvenation cost?

CO2 Laser Treatment Cost

What Is CO2 Laser Treatment?

CO2 laser treatment targets beams of light on the superficial layer of your skin to smooth it out and remove imperfections.

CO2 treatment can be effective for:

  • Reducing the signs of aging, such as fine wrinkles and deep lines
  • Reducing scarring or age spots to eliminate them or make them less noticeable
  • Evening out skin tone to eliminate sun spots or discoloration
  • Eliminate dark circles under the eyes
  • To promote younger skin growth

CO2 stands for carbon dioxide, and CO2 laser skin resurfacing represents one of the most significant breakthroughs in dermatology. This is CO2 laser skin treatment explained in a nutshell.

How Does CO2 Laser Treatment Work?

Laser resurfacing deploys beams of light to remove the superficial layer of skin called the epidermis. With skin laser resurfacing, beams of light penetrate the skin. Water in the skin absorbs the light, heating up the middle layer. That heat vaporizes the epidermis. At the same time, the temperature rise stimulates collagen fiber growth,

Two primary types of CO2 lasers exist for cosmetic treatments:

  • Ablative – Uses a pulsed laser to add energy to a continuous skin area. The energy increases the temperature of the water in the tissue, causing it to ablate or remove problem areas.
  • Fractional – Uses many smaller or mini beams in the treatment area. Unlike the ablative device, the fractional laser applies the beam more sporadically instead of continuously, allowing for a more selectively focused application.

Laser skin resurfacing provides smoother, healthier, and younger-looking skin.

What to Expect From Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Recovery time will vary depending on the patient and treatment. Different skin types heal faster, and the treatment intensity can differ based on your needs.

The type of laser technology will also affect recovery times. CO2 laser resurfacing uses short pulsed light or continuous beam in a scanning pattern. This allows for precision when removing thin layers of skin. Recovery time for this type of treatment is usually around two weeks.

Fractional CO2 lasers may require less healing time. The fractional laser delivers narrow columns of light, so less skin is affected. The less skin damage you have, the less healing is necessary. Resurfacing can be part of a more comprehensive skin care plan, so the cost of CO2 laser therapy may also depend on the other treatments you receive.

If you want to know the benefits of this treatment, please read “Laser Co2 Treatment Benefits and Uses for Skin

What Other Factors Affect CO2 Laser Treatment Cost?

Laser treatment is a dynamic option that is effective for a variety of conditions. The goal of the treatment and the amount of skin surface treated might also affect the cost.

For example, CO2 laser treatment cost under the eyes might differ from that of a laser treatment for wrinkles. Along those same lines, the cost of laser treatment for wrinkles will vary from that of other treatments.

When considering the cost of treatment, the doctor will look at:

  • The severity of the skin issues. For instance, deep wrinkles will require more intense laser treatment.
  • The surface area of skin treated
  • The type of laser necessary to get the right results

Your dermatologist will create a skincare plan for you and review the various expenses. You will know before the treatment what laser skin rejuvenation costs. They’ll break it down so you understand aser treatment costs. The CO2 laser treatment cost includes incidental expenses you might not consider upfront. The CO2 laser treatment cost typically include:

  • Facility fees
  • Anesthesia
  • Prescription medication costs
  • Aftercare
  • Market costs in the area

These all factor into the final CO2 laser price.

Is the CO2 Laser Treatment Cost Worth It?

Only you can answer that question, but laser treatment benefits are real. It can reduce fine lines, acne scarring, wrinkles, and sun damage. The therapy has a short recovery time and limited side effects.

Afterward, your skin will be free from age spots, have improved texture, and even have more pigmentation. You will look and feel younger with bright, glowing skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing at Venice Avenue Dermatology

Venice Avenue Dermatology offers the Nordlys system to provide cutting-edge laser technology for skin rejuvenation.

The Nordlys system is FDA-approved and utilizes four primary elements for treatment:

  • A narrowband Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for minimal treatment risks compared to other laser options
  • Two fractional non-ablative skin resurfacing technologies for fine lines, scars, and sun damage
  • Nd: YAG 1064 nm laser technology for precise treatments
Doctor and middle aged male during laser skin resurfacing treatment

The Nordlys system provides comprehensive skin rejuvenation services in a professional, comfortable setting.

Venice Avenue also utilizes V-beam laser technology. The Vbeam laser technology is one of the most advanced pulsed-dye laser systems available—it treats vascular, pigmented, and non-pigmented lesions on the skin. This system is effective in conjunction with skin laser resurfacing to enhance the results by targeting fine lines and acne scars.

Venice Avenue Dermatology offers other cosmetic and dermatology procedures, along with laser skin resurfacing. Our dedicated team can provide more detailed information on the costs of laser skin resurfacing at our Venice, Florida office.

Since 1997, the healthcare professionals at Venice Avenue Dermatology have provided top-notch dermatology services, including laser skin resurfacing. Today, we offer personalized care plans. We are upfront about the costs and look to provide affordable plans for our clients regardless of their treatment needs at our location in Venice, Florida.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Nordlys system, offered by Venice Avenue Dermatology, is FDA-approved and uses IPL, fractional non-ablative technologies and laser for comprehensive skin rejuvenation.

Fractional CO2 lasers deliver narrow light columns, affecting less skin and requiring less healing time, making them ideal for targeted skin rejuvenation.

Venice Avenue Dermatology uses Vbeam laser technology to treat vascular and pigmented lesions, enhancing results by targeting fine lines and acne scars in conjunction with laser resurfacing.

CO2 laser treatment is highly effective for deep wrinkles, requiring intense laser applications to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin.

Venice Avenue Dermatology is transparent about CO2 laser treatment costs, including facility fees, anesthesia, medication, aftercare, and local market considerations.

Venice Avenue Dermatology provides affordable plans by reviewing individual treatment needs and being upfront about costs, ensuring clients get the best value for their skincare.

Besides laser skin resurfacing, Venice Avenue Dermatology offers various cosmetic and dermatology procedures, providing personalized care plans since 1997.

Yes, CO2 laser treatment can help eliminate dark circles under the eyes, making them less noticeable and promoting a more youthful appearance.

Vbeam laser technology is an advanced pulsed-dye system that treats vascular and pigmented lesions, enhancing the results of skin laser resurfacing treatments.

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